Questions & Answers

How do I remove Fortin EVO-ONE, 2019 Mazda 6

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My question is how can I remove the EVO-ONE with THAR-ONE-MAZ3 from 2019 Mazda 6 safely and take the car back to factory setup?

I looked everywhere to find a guide or video illustrate such a thing but I couldn't find one ):

Help please!

posté Jan 26, 2022 dans la catégorie Mazda par Fadhel Alshulah (200 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
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Same way it was installed , but in reverse?

Disconnect battery, remove dash panels, remove t-harness, reconnect oem harness. Most important being disconnect the battery first.
répondu Jan 26, 2022 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Jan 26, 2022 par Fadhel Alshulah
Shall I unplug both the negative and positive terminals from the battery or the negative one is enough to disconnect it?
ideally positive then negative. Electronics these days dont like losing ground while power is still present.