Questions & Answers

Remote starts then shuts off in 20 seconds

0 votes
Car will remote start in stand alone. Runs for 20 seconds then shuts off. Does not try to restart. Will run with key all the time. Remote start diirectly after and will run for 20 minutes. Firmwar is up to date and all connection are done wire to wire exept for data link. All lights on Evo All are on like described.
posté Avr 5, 2022 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par crispyrp69 (420 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the S/N number on the back of the unit?
répondu Avr 5, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
Still shutting down in 20 seconds. Any thoughts?
Please try enabling option D4 in the unit and re test it.

D4 - Hybrid mode will set the evo into voltage sensing as apposed to tach sensing.
Same issue. Seems to be shutting off. Still has power, red light, yellow and bluw functions when button is pushed or its running
Ok, at this point I think it would be best to call into technical support when you have the module and vehicle on hand so that we can go over the installation and programming together.




Ok I will call them in the morning. Thank you