Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE External trigger

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I am trying to use the Maduino zero 4G LTE module to turn on my mazda 3 2021.

How can I enable the external trigger feature on the EVO-ONE to start my car remotely?

What voltage is required to create the trigger and what is the optimal pulse duration?

I see other posts saying that it requires a negative voltage. Do you mean ground or do you actually mean i need to use a charge pump to create a negative voltage? Is it -12V or -5V or -3V or GND?

Please provide detailed instructions with pictures or diagrams if possible.
posté Nov 1, 2022 dans la catégorie FAQ par ryley mccarroll (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Activate option 38.3 in the evo one remote starter, this will turn the middle pin of the 3 pin shock sensor into an external trigger. It works by sending a ground pulse to start then sending another ground pulse will make it stop.
répondu Nov 1, 2022 par derek g (359,350 points)
I am using a 3.3 volt digital pin on an arduino. Will this work or does it need a 12v refrence?
it works using ground input not power.
It needs to be the same ground reference as the evo-one.