Questions & Answers

evo-one all three LED lights keep on blinking

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evo-one all three LED lights keep on blinking While programming the device
posté Avr 13, 2023 dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par Walid Al Shabib (310 points)

1 Réponse

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Normally this means the module has not yet been flashed. You must flash and configure the module before trying to program it in the vehicle. This is done with the flash link updater (sold seperatly) and flash link manager.


If you provide the S/N number to the module I can confirm for you if the module has been flashed or not.


Best regards.
répondu Avr 13, 2023 par derek g (357,480 points)
001a07 641695
That is indeed the case, the unit has not been flashed.