Questions & Answers

Why does it only honk now when I remote start

0 votes
Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t
posté Juin 29, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par smrick2 (190 points)
modifié Juin 29, 2023 par smrick2

1 Réponse

0 votes


What is the S/N to the module in question?


Best regards.
répondu Juin 30, 2023 par derek g (357,470 points)
SN: 001A07 003099

Please turn off option E2, E4, E5 and option G (unless youve wired this in as an alarm). Click save and re test.

Best regards.
still doing the same thing