Questions & Answers

evo-chrt4 error in manual, or wrong harness with unit?

+1 vote
I am working on a 2008 charger, chose to use the evo-chrt4 for stand-alone installation.  In the manual that came with the evo-chrt4 it says "for vehicles 2010 and less cut the vehicles ignition" which is fine. but in the manual it shows a picture of the "YELLOW" wire being in the t-harness.. my t-harness does not have a yellow wire. i called and all the guy could tell me was that i had the wrong harness cause only the t2 harness is supposed to have the YELLOW wire.. i just checked the vehicle, it does not  have a yellow wire..

So. according to the instructions i am supposed to cut a non-existant yellow wire in the T-Harness?!?!? I have looked over the site fairly well, and have seen in all the instuctions pertaining to the t-harness that there is supose to be a yellow wire. i have also found that this wire being cut is needed to allow you to shift the the car from park.

I have verified the part number listed on the t-harness is "evo-chrt4" the installation guide that came with the unit is revision 20130215(which appears to be the newest revision). and the service number on the evo all that i am using is 001a06 238084 (not that the service # matters as i feel that the error is in the manual, and not something to do with the unit.. also i could not find a service number on the t-harness, is there one?

thank you for you time.
posté Fev 10, 2014 dans la catégorie Dodge par Josh Knapp (210 points)

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse

You have the right harness.

In the same connector that the yellow wire is supposed to be, look for a red/white wire. Its the 3rd pin in from the left on the female connector if you look at it from the back end.


The error is in the manual as it should indicate that some THAR-CHR4s have a red/white wire and not a yellow wire even though there only a minimal amount of CHR4s out there with this red/white wire and not a yellow.



répondu Fev 10, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
élue Fev 10, 2014 par Josh Knapp
I have a similar question on ChR4 when i cut the yellow ignition wire, evo dosent go to program mode and my keyfob fails to crank the car. why do we need to cut that wire out on dodge charger 2009? so which wire i shoukd be cutting off?
besides for cutting the wire, you also need to connect the connect side of that cut wire to the Yellow/Green of the EVO. This is done on models 2010 and lower for security reasons.
i am little confused. correct me if i am wrong.

yello wire from harness goes to  pin 1 on EVO

need to cut red white wire  connected on either sides of the ignition connector mae/female

now which side of this wire  needs to go to the yelow/green of EVO?
You only cut the red/white wire from the female connector of the T-Harness. Only 1 wire is being cut and it's in the T-Harness. Once that wire is cut, you connect the wire end coming from the connector side to the Yellow/Green of the EVO. The other end of the cut wire is not used.


It's shown ion the installation guide. The only differene is that if you do not have a yellow wire in the THAR-CHR4, you need to use the Red/White wire.
I dont have any red/white wire between the connectors. all i have is yellow, do i need to cut this yellow from the female connector side and connect to the yellow/green of the evo???

installation guide says, cut the yellow wire, however does not say connect to yellow/green on evo??

so if i cut the yellow wire with T harness connected, you mean to say the wire coming from the ignition barrel goes to the evo not the other end righht?

out of intrest, what is the purpose of doing this?

If you have a yellow wire, you cut the yellow wire.

so if i cut the yellow wire with T harness connected, you mean to say the wire coming from the ignition barrel goes to the evo not the other end righht?


installation guide says, cut the yellow wire, however does not say connect to yellow/green on evo??

Yes it does. There's a dotted line going to the yellow/green wire.

EVO-ALL & THAR-CHR4 (T-Harness) - Revision 20130215

out of intrest, what is the purpose of doing this?

You would be be able to turn the barrel with your finger after remote starter your car and after unlocking with your factory remote.


Thank you,

Million thanks, all set.