Questions & Answers

Problem with programming key bypass

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When programming for the key bypass on evo all cannot get it the flashing blue light when turn the key to on position I've reset and have had the module reset by you guys and am flashing correctly for 2011 chevy silverado what can I do to get the key bypass step programed?also I have the evo all with thargm4 harness with oem remote start fob and have flash link 4
posté Jan 17, 2024 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par just4040 (220 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

What is the S/N number to the evo?

Thank you.
répondu Jan 18, 2024 par derek g (357,470 points)
001A07504881 is serial number but I did have you guys reset it once already and did the same thing it's doing
Start by performing a master reset on the evo in the vehicle:


Once that is done, re attempt the in vehicle programming.

Best regards.
This did not work still no flashing blue light.
Does the blue led turn off when you turn ignition on or does it stay on?
It turns off
I would verify the Can Sw wire connection in that case


If the evo does not see any data on this wire, the blue led will not flash.
Checked can sw getting data but I also have e tharness whitxh makes connection for that and checked t harness connections all OK so now what could be problem still light off when try to program
Please meter the brown wire on the white 5 pin connector of the evo-all with the ignition on and let me know what you read for voltage.

Also when programming make sure nothing is plugged into the obd2 connector.

thank you.