Questions & Answers

DCRYPTOR reset and help

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Need my modules dcryptor limit rest - S/N: 001A07 602430

Also, I bought the Q50 module but mine is a 2.2d model, which seems to not work with the standard dcryptor settings for the Q50 in general. Should I be using the 2.0t's settings instead with Diesel mode enabled? Would appreciate any help on this front. Thanks
posté Sept 13, 2024 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Lachlan Christopher (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

I have submitted your module for reset. It will be ready for use within 24 hours.

Yes you will need to enable diesel mode if the vehicle is diesel.

If you are doing 3x lock start you also need to enable option D1.

Best regards.
répondu Sept 13, 2024 par derek g (357,530 points)
Hi derek,

Could you please potentially help me with which i should exactly do? Since turning diesel mode on it turns the battery on at least but the engine does not turnover. It is a 2014 Q50 S Premium Diesel Model. Thanks!
I should mention it also turns the dash into a christmas tree and disables all of my sensors and such when it starts the battery.