Questions & Answers

Why headlights stay for minutes after pressing lock?

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2011 mitsubishi eclipse standard key has Evo one installed n works fine. Only 1 thing bothers me n that is using the rf kit 411 n pressing lock n unlock headlights stay on for a few minutes which I think can drain battery,is there anyway around this? Especially hitting lock n walking away. Another thing is the connection required for headlights from 6 pin plug if those lights r automatic n come on with ignition.?
posté depuis 2 semaines dans la catégorie Mitsubishi par Antonio Salazar (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

What is the S/N number to the evo one? This number can be found on the back of the unit.

Thank you.
répondu depuis 2 semaines par derek g (348,260 points)
S/N: 002B04624360
If you re lock it a 2nd time do the lights go out?
Not at all stay on a few minutes. Was curious could A8 also be programmed to be last step in the lock/unlock sequence like it is after remote start shut down?

It only matters because factory remote does not give the range to R/S,is y i used rf kit rather than 3x press with factory.