Questions & Answers

Updated and no longer beeps when you press the HORN

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Updated and no longer beeps when you press the HORN

In addition, the operating mode was set to 3 minutes but the actual runtime was only 1.55 minutes and a new key code was updated to solve the problem but more than once until the attempts were completed until this update issue appeared

Note that last year the device was working properly, please solve the problem for me from the bottom of the code

Serial Number:002B04045909


Note that previously before the update, the alarm was working properly after pressing it a second time and the engine works remotely, but now all settings are good, but the alarm does not work My car type Honda Accord 2014

Default settings were set to no avail

I hope who has the ability to help me reset the device to factory settings

 Thank you very much
posté Jan 7 dans la catégorie Honda par moom2030 (130 points)

1 Réponse

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To reset the device to factory settings you would need to perform 2 types of resets :

1- Bypass reset (settings protection must be saved in the off position for the bypass):


2- Remote starter reset:


When these resets are done, all options will revert to their default positions and all bypass programming will be erased. Any programmed remotes will also be wiped out.


Best regards.
répondu Jan 7 par derek g (359,100 points)
My Evo One Do I need to do Action 1, Action 2, or is it necessary to do them all? What do you mean (protection settings must be saved in OFF position, bypass)

Method No. (2) Do you have a clip or method on YouTube so I can understand this? Thank you very much