Questions & Answers

evo start yellow wire

0 votes
i just got an evo start lte and there's a yellow wire that says "ignition must be connected" but there's ignition 1 and ignition 2 on my harness and  every thing seems to be working as its supposed its starts stops and opens/locks door.  does yellow wire realy need to be connected??? there's absolutely no installation manual just some quick start thing.

 car is a 23 tundra.

also millage and fuel levels are stuck at 0 will that update on its own or does this depend on the car??

also when i start car with ignintion switch parking lights work. when i do through the remote start i get no parking lights. i reflashed multiple times
posté depuis 2 jours dans la catégorie Other par mc141 (520 points)
re-tagguée depuis 2 jours par mc141

1 Réponse

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For this vehicle the yellow wire is not needed. Simply isolate it with some eletrical tape.

Fuel % is not supported on about 99% of vehicles at this time, including yours. Fortin hopes to expand the feature in future updates to the app. Milage will change once it is online and you have driven, it will not display vehicle milage as of yet, it wil display milage since installed. In a coming update you will be able to manually edit the milage, no eta on the release of that update though.

Here is the installation guide for evo start lte:

For the parking lights, please provide the S/N number to the unit. This can be found on the back of the module.


Best regards.
répondu depuis 9 heures par derek g (359,350 points)