Questions & Answers

Valet via Compustar G9 Remote and EVO-ONE?

0 votes
Can a Compustar G9 remote be used to put an EVO-ONE into valet mode? I have the Remote Start option 36.1 set, but so far have not been able to put the EVO-ONE into valet mode by pressing Lock/Unlock simultaneously.  Are there any conditions that need to be seen before the EVO-ONE will go into valet via remote?  (i.e. unlocked, key on, etc)
posté Oct 14, 2015 dans la catégorie FAQ par Rick Felter (320 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

If the remote in question can do a combination of button sequences, then doing valet mode through the compustar should be functional.


Keep in mind, this feature is mostly for our own remotes. The sequence is actually, Press AUX, then press Lock-Unlock simultaneously for Fortin remotes.


Looking at the manual for the G9 remote, they say valet should be

  • Ignition On
  • Tap Lock and Trunk to turn ON valet

To turn off valet

  • Tap lock and Trunk to OFF
répondu Oct 14, 2015 par Robert T (303,700 points)
The procedure you describe above worked once Option 32 was set to 2.  I didn't realize the G9 remote would map the valet mode command to the EVO-ONE.  Ignition ON, LOCK+TRUNK = Valet ON.  LOCK+TRUNK turns off if ignition is not on.


