Questions & Answers

Is it true that the EVO-ONE must be put in valet mode before programming 1WAMG6 and have firmware .96 only?

+2 votes
I tried calling Fortin tech support to no avail. Firstech RF Kits enabled on Remote Start via FlashLink. Unit responds to all programming cues as it should:

Key on, press and hold valet button- red light blinks rapidly-

Press and release valet switch once-

press brake pedal once

press lock on Compustar remote - no response

I receive parking light confirmations throughout the entire process indicating the unit is responding to my inputs, however it will not learn the remotes. I tried programming in mode 5 also as indicated in the Fortin Guide "25121"

Installed with RF converter. This is the second such installation I have performed, I had to completely abandon the EVO-ONE install the first time and install a Compustar remote start with an EVO-ALL for the customer. I really like the idea of using the EVO-ONE and really like all the Fortin Products. SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF THE WHOLE RF KIT MYSTERY. It is really frustrating to put out such an innovative product yet Fortin has so little disclosure as to EXACTLY which RF Kits are compatible with this unit and not leave it up th the manufacturer of the RF Kit to decide whether it is compatible with your product!

You have a great product here but your screwing it up by being so unhelpful about how to add an RF Kit, you really need to revise your "supported RF Kits" idea of tech support.
posté Dec 19, 2015 dans la catégorie FAQ par Eric Fugere (280 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes

Entering and exiting valet mode is only needed if you cannot even enter programming (turn key on, press and hold valet button until led starts to flash non stop) I explain why. We QC our modules. If the last thing tested was lock-arm, the system will be armed. The evo-one does not allow entering programming if it is armed, which is a normal security measure.


This is why I have seen people have trouble programming the firstech remotes. 

  1. It needed the 0.96 firmware. (typically on some Arctic start remotes)
  2. Client is trying to use the FT-D100 with the evo-one. I can guarantee this setup would not work. There is an adaptor called the RFA-COMPU for the evo-one that allows interconnecting Firstech and EVO-ONE without having to change the pins in the cable.
  3. Client is using a CS-PRO and not an EVO-ONE. (cs-pro is an evo-one sold by Automobility in Canada and has a dedicated firmware for DSE remotes)
  4. EVO-ONE is armed and you couldn't enter programming at all. (enter-exit valet mode)
  5. A full reset is needed, the steps for this are in the Quick Install guide. (see below)


Here is the #5 procedure that I highly recommend. This will clear the remote starter functions and any previous programmed antennas or remotes. This will also "uncheck" any checked box in the rmeote starter options. So you will need to go back an enable the firstech option.


Learning remotes at a glance:

The evo-one has two ways of learning depending on if it's a intelligent antenna or an rf antenna. This is why with Firstech we say to try with either 1x press or 5x press. The 1x press tells the evo-one, "hey little buddy, I am trying to program a regular rf antenna here", while the 5x press tells the unit, "hey little buddy, I am trying to program a smart antenna here".  (note, if you had tried the 1x press and it didnt work you may need to do that reset mentionned above before attempting the 5x press)


The major difference between both is that with regular antennas, the evo-one is literally learning the remotes, while the other method of programming the evo-one is learning the antenna. Something that everyone learns, is that with the intelligent antennas, two things are happening during programming, 1- the remotes are learning to the antenna and 2- the antenna is learning to the EVO-ONE. So this means that there are two possible culprits of why remote programming may not work; the evo-one not learning the antenna (for x-y-z reason) or the remotes not learning the antenna. We can control one of those, but cannot control the other. 


But how do i know if i have an intelligent antenna or an rf antenna?

--EASY. If you can program the remotes to the antenna on a bench with only power and ground, you have an intelligent remote.


That reset mentionned above is needed when the evo-one had a regular rf programmed and that you would need to now program intelligent antennas. I'll always remember when the Fortin RF-KIT came out last yearish and I was trying to program it to the EVO-ONE in the sales reps car that had previous rf remotes programmed. I spent an hr trying to do so until I told myself, fine, I'll just ask my engineer. His reply, "ya, you need to do reset the unit because right now it's running on rf and not on data antennas". Worked right away.....  


I really hope this helps!

répondu Dec 19, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
modifié Dec 19, 2015 par Robert T
–3 votes
I feel the same way about the EVO ONE. Everything about it is confusing and unclear. And then there is an update for the vehicle all the sudden and the guide is completley different and still won't work correctly. Almost to the point if a customer asks if it will work for their vehicle, I'm just saying that it's possible, according to their website. But we never know because the directions miss a lot of important explinations. I'm MECP certified and still by far is the most time consuming install for remote starters.
répondu Dec 19, 2015 par Brian Arntson (270 points)

My turn! :D


This chain of automotive accessory retailers in Quebec:


I can guarantee they are never worried about compatibility issues. The Quebecois consumer, like myself, are a bunch of complainers :D . If a product wasn't trust worthy and caused clients to come back knocking on their doors with problems, I can guarantee that the above retail chain, would not put their trust in the evo-one. It's pretty much all they install now as their branded remote start solution.


If I was a green installer, brand new in the industry, and got trained with the evo-one only, I can guarantee that trying to make me install any other remote starter afterwards, I'd be confused and upset at how confusing and overwhelming it would get. The same works both ways. 


with 15 years behind me installing remote starters from any brand and using every single bypass module out there, I can confirm the evo-one is indeed a new approch at remote starters. When you understand the product, you understand the installation guides and can attack cars with a positive attitude. "Yes we can do it" vs "It should work". 


I'll agree that besides for the Quick Install quick in the box of the evo-one, there is no documentation for techs outside our walls explaining every function, feature, wire and a general outlook on the evo-one. This is something that should definitaly be out there available. Maybe not in every box (major waste of paper), but atleast a downloadable pdf. As a nerd, I used to enjoy opening up a box and reading the installation manuals.


I personally made a basic training guide for techs here when they start here and can send it your way if you want it. It covers general outlook of evo-one, evo-all and evo-key. I'd attach it here but it's a 3.9Mb pdf and the max allowed upload on this forum is 2Mb.


The user manual is actually a nice read if you haven't done so yet: 


Please call myself or Alex mon-friday between 10am-6pm. 1-877-336-7797. I will gladly walk through some questions about the unit. 


Hi Rob.

How can I get my hands on that training guide you wrote up?

Best Regards

Pat Lynch
Send an email to just put ATTN: Rob in the subject line and ask for the training guide in the body of the email.


Thank you,