Questions & Answers

Nissan sentra 2010 intelligent key

0 votes
The firmware was set for bypass and door locks. The door won't unlock or lock. When the car starts fine. i open the door during remote start the key tumbler won't turn for the bypass takeover.
asked Mar 6, 2016 in Nissan by skylinewindowtinting (600 points)
edited Mar 6, 2016 by skylinewindowtinting

1 Answer

+1 vote
Options D1.2 D1.3 and D1.6 should all be off, they are used only in standalone configuration. The tumbler will unlock if the module see an unlock command before opening the door. The unlock command can come from the proximity handle, the factory key or the aftermarket remote.
answered Mar 7, 2016 by skylinewindowtinting (85,210 points)