Questions & Answers

2012 F150 programs OK but will not Remote Start

0 votes
I have followed the instructions to program. I get though the programming portion OK.

I do have the three wires from the T harness conencted to the 20 Pin connector. When I press lock three times, i get a single Blue flash for each key press. I never get the remote start. When i insert my key into the ignition, I do get a yellow light on my Fortin.

Do I need to have my Yellow - Black from the 20 Pin grounded? I read that in another FAQ.

Do I need to buy the programmer?
posté Sept 5, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Carl Johnson (200 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
No, on the yellow/black to ground

Please take the dark blue wire in the 20 pin connector and temporarily connect this wire to ground, please tell me if any leds light up on the evo-all.


If red lights up, then your unit has not been set up for standalone use. You will need the Flashlink Updater-2 to set this option.(sold separately)

If no leds light up, then disconnect the dark blue from ground and then take the Yellow/Black from the 20 pin connector and touch this wire to ground and see if the red led lights up, and if the vehicle starts.


Thank you.
répondu Sept 6, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
élue Sept 6, 2016 par Carl Johnson
When I touch the Dark Blue, I do get the RED LED and the truck acts as if a key is inserted in the on position.

When i touch the Yellow Black to ground i get a Blue LED pulse.

I have already ordered the Flashlink Updater and will reprogram when it comes in.

What should I make sure is off or on with the programmer?

THanks for the help!
Yes that test confirms it, you will need the flashlink updater-2 to turn on options C1 and D1 in the bypass options tab. A1-A11 should be left ON. And save options.

Thank you,
0 votes
Are you using a remote starter or using the module as standalone?
répondu Sept 6, 2016 par Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
Stand alone remote starter.