Questions & Answers

My grand caravan 2015 sensor Gate on and all the lights on after the installation of evo-all

0 votes
After the installation of the Evo-All CHRT4, my Dodge Caravan 2015 have the GATE indicator on on the dashboard and all the internal lights on too. What can I do?
posté Nov 3, 2016 dans la catégorie Dodge par Ivan De Dios2 (130 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
If you disconnect the t-harness from the vehicle, is the problem still there ? If the vehicle think the gate is open, it will leave the domelight on that is normal. Sounds like something is misconnected or maybe a connector is not fully inserted.
répondu Nov 3, 2016 par J M (85,210 points)
Yes, if I disconnect the module, the gate indicator stay on. I test all the plugs an are well connected. Is mandatory install the hood pin and the valet switch?
Not mandatory but highly recommended, however if it's not installed this is not what's causing your gate problem.

Did you make sure the tailgate was actually closed properly ?

Try disconnecting completly the t-harness and put the vehicle back to stock. Fix the gate problem and then reinstall the remote starter.
0 votes
What wires on the 20 pin connector did you use? Please post your 12 digit service number so we can take a look at the options and firmware you currently have on the evo unit.
répondu Nov 3, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
No. 001A06647962

I used A1 and A14