Questions & Answers

Parking Lights Resistor

0 votes
On my 2005 dodge dakota installed evo one and it all works properly however my parking lights keep going off as ther resistor fails. I used a 1.5k ohm 1/2watt metal film resistor. Should i use a higher watt resistor or type of resistor such as carbon film?
posté Jan 29, 2017 dans la catégorie Dodge par Clarence Leavitt (340 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Did the instructions recomend using a resistor?  Most cars I have installed on, parking light wire is connected directly but I work mostly on Subarus so it may differ.
répondu Jan 30, 2017 par Ted Bennett (720 points)
Yes it recommended 1.5k ohm resistor bit didn't specify type or watt size
0 votes
répondu Jan 30, 2017 par derek g (357,530 points)