Questions & Answers

D2D doesn't work

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There is 2008 BMW 523LI. Customer has Viper5704v, EVOCAN, int bmw2.
I config EVOCAN for D2D(F3) with newest firmware, other options are default.
 EVOCAN and 5704V linked by 4p data wire. All communication between them are down. I try trigger the purple of EVOCAN to GND, door is locked. That means EVOCAN communicates with Canbus well. But I press lock on remote, 5704's LED is on, but door not response. seems data is not forwared to evocan. or evocan reject them. Then I change to DLPK, everything works.

Also, the INT BMW2 's D2D is not working either. I have to make analog connection to 5704.

Anything else should I do to make D2D work?
posté Avr 24, 2017 dans la catégorie BMW par stan hui2 (330 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
The INT-BMW2 does not have D2D protocol capabitilites, please connect all 3 modules wire to wire and cut the blue and white wires in the datalink connector
répondu Avr 24, 2017 par J M (64,270 points)
Is the remote starter programmed to unlock the doors before remote starting?

If so, turn off the option and try again. If the brake is NOT pressed within a 45 second window of receiving UNLOCK, the vehicle will shut down when pressing on the brake.
I do hear door module clicking when remote starting. But it doesnt unlock. It seems disarm the factory alarm before remote starting. otherwise it might trigger the factory alarm going off.

I think this is default setting. Dont know where to config it not unlock. I think this unlock command is sent from CANBUS network not viper does it.

Since the EVOALL is not D2D to 5704, I change to DLPK now. I did the following testing:

1. Close door, sit on seat, lock the car

2. unlock car,open car door, I connect the unlock of INTBMW2 to ground a short pulse. Engine still shutdown. It is in 30 seconds.


I think the problem is when I press brake, the Blue(status/while running wire) is cut or go high level. that cause INTBMW shutdown engine. not sure about this.


So now, I disconnect the brake wire, it still shutdown after setting running time ends.

I am not sure if I drive it on road. BMW's ECU might not shutdown because it detects speed.

Since the issue is that it shuts down when the BRAKE is pressed and NOT when the door is opened, the issue is NOT with Unlock detection.


Please do not test the remote starter while your are sitting in the vehicle with the smartkey.

This allows to make sure the entire install is OK including the Key-wrap.

  1. Step out of the
  2. Remove all keys from the vehicle.
  3. Close the doors
  4. Remote start the vheicle.
  5. Unlock the vehicle
  6. Get into the vehicle
  7. Press the brake

I think this unlock command is sent from CANBUS network not viper does it.

The EVO will only do what it is told to do.

I think the problem is when I press brake, the Blue(status/while running wire) is cut or go high level. that cause INTBMW shutdown engine. not sure about this.

The brake pulse shuts down the remote starter, this is normal and how remote starters work. Your issue is somewhere else.



Cut the BLUE and the WHITE wires in the datalink connectors so that there is NO datalink communication at all and connect the necessary wires with dotted lines indicated in the INT-BMW2 installation guide.

Since the INTBMW2 has UNLOCK /ACC/IGNITION/status connected to 5704. It is not DATALINK. It doesnt detect anyone sitting in car nor door opened.

So, I think , after remote start, you can ground signal to UNLOCK wire anytime to takeover the car.

I think the problem is when pressing brake, 5704 shutdown status/Ignition/ACC. That causes INTBMW shutoff too. I guess the EVO-ALL keeps status/Ignition/ACC for takeover. However EVO ALL's D2D is not working either. And nobody sells it in China. I have only one left for my car.

But I dont have time teesting so many things. Customer can not wait that long. It has been 3 days. He is unhappy with that. Maybe he will come back next time to do more tests.

Finnaly get it works. Thanks for your help.

The problem is that , when user press brake, it causes alarm shut off eveything including INT-BMW2.

INTBMW2 is the only one can keep car takeover by user. No matter what CANBUS module you choose. You can sit in the car, you can press unlock many times., you dont have to close and open car door.

For takeover, must :

1. Unlock signal to white of INTBMW2

2. Must keep ignition signal to INTBMW2.(Manual of INTBMW2 missed this wire!! It says ignition to alarm. It must to car! not alarm! because pressing brake shutoff alarm's ignition together!) Must do connection as red line below.


3. Press brake within 45 seconds to shutoff alarm/remot starter. Let car ignition keep INTBMW2 running without WHILE RUNNING/Status signal.

I also add a relay to INTBMW, then user doesnt have to insert the key for PTS. PTS is similar with F platform BMW NOW.

That's it. perfect now.

0 votes

Finally get it fixed.

The problem is that , when user press brake, it cause alarm shut off eveything including INT-BMW2.

INTBMW2 is the only one can keep car takeover by user. No matter what CANBUS module you choose. You can sit in the car, you can press unlock many times., you dont have to close and open car door.

For takeover, must :

1. Unlock signal to white of INTBMW2

2. Must keep ignition signal to INTBMW2.(Manual of INTBMW2 missed this wire!! It says ignition to alarm. It must to car! not alarm! because pressing brake shutoff alarm's ignition together!) Must do connection as red line below.


3. Press brake within 45 seconds to shutoff alarm/remot starter. Let car ignition keep INTBMW2 running without WHILE RUNNING/Status signal.

I also add a relay to INTBMW, then user doesnt have to insert the key for PTS. PTS is similar with F platform BMW NOW.

That's it. perfect now.


répondu Mai 3, 2017 par stan hui2 (330 points)
Lt.Blue Black should be connected to an ignition wire.

If you had to connect it to the car then that means your remote starter/alarm was not providing a proper ignition output to the intbmw2.
After remote started, unlock and press brake, the ignition of 5704 is OFF , not providing output to INTBMW2 anymore. that causes INTBMW2 shutdown engine.