Questions & Answers

Why does One factory key fob work and the other doesnt?

0 votes
I installed evo all chrt6 and tried programming key fob. The fob I used to program will start the car with 3x but won't work anything while car is running. I used the other fob and everything works fine. Why? The troubleshooting guide says thats the way it is supposed to work. Is there any way to get get the other remote to work? I would have went with something different if I would have known this.  We have cars that can pretty much drive themselves but cant get two fobs to work, I dont get it
posté Dec 28, 2017 dans la catégorie Dodge par Wayne Davis (180 points)
modifié Dec 29, 2017 par Wayne Davis

1 Réponse

0 votes
Very simple, the car is made this way. Start the car with one key, while the key is in the barrel try to lock the doors by pressing the buttons on it. Not working hu? Now try the second key and it will work. This is how your car is made.
répondu Dec 29, 2017 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)