Questions & Answers

2014 Honda Civic - Can I use Function 38 Mode 5 (38.5) Instead of Function 38 Mode 2 (38.2)?

0 votes
I am going through the  FlashLink Manager setup on my Evo One & THAR-ONE-HON3 and was curious if I can use 38.5 (Lock-Unlock-Lock to remote start) instead of using 38.2 (Lock x3 to remote start)?

The vehicle specific manual says to use 38.2 but I would prefer to use 38.5.

Is this possible?
posté Mar 7, 2019 dans la catégorie Honda par Rev_Nev (150 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes
Yes, either one will work.
répondu Mar 7, 2019 par derek g (357,480 points)