Questions & Answers

3x lock doesn't work, 2018 VW Tiguan

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Hi, I installed the EVO-ALL in my 2018 Tiguan today. The car is an automatic transmission, without virtual cluster and using a standard key (not a push to start).

I used the EVO-ALL hardware version 7 with the THAR-VW2 harness with the keywrap method for a standalone installtion (Guide # 72011). The EVO-ALL firware is updated to version 7.64.06 from 2019-11-23 as recommened by FlashLink Manager (Guide 72011 is recommending at least hardware version 6 with firmware 6.75.35) I did not changed any settings except for the run time which is now set to maximum and kept all the recommended settings turned on.

The EVO-ALL programmed sucessfully (solid blue led when connecting the data-link, connected remaining connectors, turned the key to ON, blue led flashed rapidly, turned key off).

Now the car will start normally when using the key, but when trying to remote start using 3X lock with the OEM remote, the car wont start and there is no activity on the EVO-ALL (no LED).

I double checked my connections at least 5 times. I'm pretty sure they are all good, I soldered the wires as per aviation standards (I'm an avionic tech so making good solder is an everyday task for me). The dark blue wire for the valet switch isn't installed yet (not grounded).

The troubleshooting section of Fortin's website is telling me ''If the red led does not turn on verify the options needed for the evo''. So I'm a little lost, any idea what I am missing?

Thanks for your time

posté Dec 30, 2019 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par AlainRaymond (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Flash the module with firmware 75.38 and re program the module. Then re test the 3x lock.

Also, what is the S/N to the module?
répondu Dec 30, 2019 par derek g (357,480 points)