Questions & Answers

Powering my shock sensor off evo all

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I am going to be using an evo all as an alarm, since my vehicle has Oem remote start. I purchased a shock sensor and siren, and was wondering if I could power the shock sensor off of the red and black wires going into the evo all from the t-harness? I am not sure what the rated capacity is, and don't want to damage anything.
posté Avr 24, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Cam Cross (1,070 points)

1 Réponse

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You can, BUT installing an alarm on a vehicle with an OEM remote starter will have issues, since if the evoalarm is set and you use the OEM remote starter, the shock sensor will sense the vibrations from the vehicle starting and set the alarm off,


If the Evoall is capable of being used as a Standalone remote starter in your vehicle, that would be the best way to proceed as the evo all will ignore the shock sensor input when it is remote started.
répondu Avr 24, 2020 par J M (64,270 points)
élue Avr 24, 2020 par Cam Cross
Ok, thanks. Do I need to worry about adding a fuse or just connect it in like I would with an RF kit?