Questions & Answers

Fortin drive car

0 votes
Hello, I am from Poland, I have a Mazda 3 2018 from Canada. I have an OEM key and FTX84 fortin key. I'll start the car with the OEM key with the Lock-Unlock-Lock key combination. The car fires, but how to put it out with the OEM key? And the second question is what to do so that the engine does not go out after pressing the brake, but you can drive the car.
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Mazda by Łukasz Gerke (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
To shut it down it down via the oem remote, it is the same sequence.


to shut it down via rf kit it is (-) followed by holding start button.


if unlock is pressed take over is intiiated and the vehicle will stay running.


If unlock is not pressed, then the vehicle will shut down on door open or brake press.
answered Mar 22, 2022 by derek g (359,100 points)
Thank you for your answer. The rf kit is a fortin key? Yes? And how to make an OEM key so that the car does not go out when the brake is pressed?
You can enable option D3 - door open shut down.
hello thanks for the answer. And how to enable the D3 option?
plug the module into the flash link updater, scroll down to option D3, set it to ON. then click save options.
Hello. I press lock - unlock - lock - the car starts. I open the door, press 2 times start stop and .... press the brake pedal and the car turns off ... What should I do to keep it from turning off? Maybe I can't take over my car so that it goes without turning it off after pressing the brake, maybe I have to turn on the flash link?
"If the Smart-Key is not detected 
the vehicle will shut down"..... Found it in the manual .. Maybe it doesn't detect my key ?? Where should I put it to be detected?