Questions & Answers

2020 Subaru Forester install questions

0 votes
1. In this thread from a while ago, it was said that enabling 3x lock is not recommended for a 2019.  Does this still apply?
EDIT: May have been fixed in firmware 1.24 AKA 0.60?

2. Guide 98941, page 7.  I'm probably over analyzing this, but I assume for the Yellow/Red and Yellow/Green wires, the illustration is saying to connect the respective wires together.  Is that correct?  I figured there would be a black circle on it if that was a case.  I initially thought this was a spliced wire from the factory.

3. Will there be issues if I use an Omega RF kit and have to use firmware 0.44?

Thanks all!
asked Feb 27 in Subaru by Joshua Swenson (1,660 points)
edited Feb 27 by Joshua Swenson

1 Answer

0 votes

1- 3x lock is listed for the pts version of this vehicle.

2- Correct, simply match the colors and loop them back.

3- I will say that there are reports of omega kits working with evo-one and reports of them not working with evo-one. It is up to you wether you wish to try those kits or not.


Best regards.
answered Feb 27 by derek g (348,260 points)