Questions & Answers

RFK-442 - Evo-all install without RFA2A

0 votes
Hello. I am trying to install an EVO-All with GMT1V2 T-harness in a 2014 chevrolet cruze. (remote starter is programmed and works with OEM remote)  I have an RFK-442 kit I would like to install without the RFA2A adapter. I have 12v and ground present at the datalink from the t-harness. Am I wrong to believe that the antenna kit can wired into the Datalink plug? I have wired it as such, When I plug in the antenna. the LED will light for a second. but when I follow the RF kit learning prcedure for the EVO-All. the antenna LED does not respond.  Is the RFA2A really required?  Thanks
asked 2 weeks ago in RF-Kits by bgautreau (130 points)
edited 2 weeks ago by bgautreau

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes you can hardwire it, just be aware that it voids all warranties so proceed at your own risk.

Here is the DIY way of hardwiring the antenna:

Best regards.
answered 2 weeks ago by derek g (359,100 points)
Having hardwired it I am only getting the antenna LED flash when first plugged in, the light does not flash when initiating the programming procedure. The LEDs on the EVO-All respond as they should.
If the antenna does not start flashing rapidly when you turn on igniton this would indicate an issue with the rx and tx wires on the antenna cable.