Questions & Answers

Remote start works fine but Lock/Unlock wont work

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I have 2008 kia sportage and have the 441 kit, remote start works but the Lovk/Unlock does not work, only works with old factory fob still. Also have Siren hooked up to E1 for positive and orange/black (horn) for negative but no sound either please help
asked 3 days ago in Kia by jkorthals4 (130 points)

1 Answer

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Lock/Arm and Unlock/Disarm need to wired on this vehicle since they are not controlled on CAN-BUS by the EVO-ONE. 

Both are located in a yellow connector in the driver kick panel.


Pin 129 = Unlock (wired to purple/white on evo-one and need to enable option 8.2)

Pin 127 = Lock (wired to purple on the evo-one)


 Also have Siren hooked up to E1 for positive and orange/black (horn) for negative but no sound either please help

Are you using both a siren and a horn? Is option 14.2 enabled in the module? What is the 12 digit service number of the evo-one?


answered 3 days ago by Robert T (304,910 points)
Thank you so much! Got both working great now! Another quick question will a directed shock sensor work with evo one?
If it has a 3 pin connector on the end it would be direct plug in.