Questions & Answers

red light stays on during step 5 of KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE

0 votes
I have a 07 toyota tundra. I am installing EVO-ONE ALL IN ONE DATA REMOTE START/ALARM WITH T HARNESS AND CRIMESTOPPER REVO4 ANTENNA W REMOTES. I am following the steps on page 3 KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE. I am stuck on Step 4. The red light will not flash. I do not have the CAN LOW & CAN HIGH plugged in. I do not have the DATA1 and DATA2 wires plugged in. Do I need those plugged in? I do hae the yellow IGNITION WIRE tapped into the T harness and the KeySens tapped into the white 2 Pin Connector under the steering wheel.
asked Feb 11, 2015 in Toyota by brian thomason (130 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Yes you need data 1 and 2 connected, these wires are for the key bypass and without them there is no immo data being sent which is why you are not getting the flashing red light. And yes you need Can high/low connected otherwise you won't get a flashing blue light iin step 6
answered Feb 11, 2015 by Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
0 votes

As Adam stated, all those wires you did not connect NEED to be connected then try to reprogram in the vehicle.


And you will also have to enable FORTIN 2  in the options on the REMOTE STARTER side when you connect to the Flashlink 2 updater to be able to use your Revo RF kit.


Please follow guide number 19921 on how to connect and program the Evo One to work with the Revo RF kit.

answered Feb 11, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
I bought this as a package deal so the Fortin is suppose to be programmed before I received it. My problem is I'm having problem finding the 16 pin OBD II connector and the 7pin ignition connector for those wires. My wire color activation key expired so that doesn't help either. I thought it would last 48 hours before i had to plug the code back in. My fault for misreading it.
Ok I finally found all of the switches and all wires are hooked in. I finally got through step 5 (the red blinking lights.) I went to step 6 and turned the ignition to on and the blue lights didnt flash or anything. I know this tis the can bus lights so I switched the wires because i've read other forum comments that maybe they needed to be switched but it did not work. Originally I had it gray/black to purple (14) and gray to #6.

Any suggestions?

Can-Bus connections are easy to test.

  1. Disconnect the EVO
  2. Hold down programming button
  3. plug in power, leds will alternate
  4. Release program button when LED is blue
  5. plug in all connectors
  6. turn ignition on


After step 5, the blue LED will either turn off and stay off, or it will stay on.

  • If blue LED stays On : module is not detecting ignition
  • If blue LED goes Off (and stays off) : module is not detecting Can-Bus.
  • If blue LED starts blinking : Can-Bus and ignition connections are good


NOTE: CAN-LOW is always the pin in the smaller portion of the OBD-II connector

and....... for some reason i was thinking this post was for a Nissan.....


2007 Toyota Tundra may not have any Can-Bus features. Which is why it may not program the can-bus correctly. We do not list any features available for this vehicle on the website besides for remote start and transponder bypass.

So just unhook those two wires and redo step 6 and the blue LED should flash rapidly then thurn the ignition turn off in step 7?  ...and I have EVO-ONE just to be clear. I don't if it matters.

If the RED flashed earlier, technically your module is programmed to do transponder bypass at the moment. The BLUE LED flashing is a confirmation that CAN-BUS programmed.


The tricky part here is that CAN-BUS may work on this vehicle (which is why we say to connect the Can wires), but since in 2007 we were not doing Can-Bus on this vehicle, this was not tested. So it may program or it may not program the Can-Bus. Quick and easy way to know is just to follow what i wrote above.

Can-Bus connections are easy to test.

  1. Disconnect the EVO
  2. Hold down programming button
  3. plug in power, leds will alternate
  4. Release program button when LED is blue
  5. plug in all connectors
  6. turn ignition on


After step 5, the blue LED will either turn off and stay off, or it will stay on.

  • If blue LED stays On : module is not detecting ignition
  • If blue LED goes Off (and stays off) : module is not detecting Can-Bus.
  • If blue LED starts blinking : Can-Bus and ignition connections are good


NOTE: CAN-LOW is always the pin in the smaller portion of the OBD-II connector

If Can-Bus does not program at all. Just disconnect the 5-pin white connector from the EVO-ONE (you wont need it).

  • Connect the vehicles foot brake to the (+)foot brake input on the EVO.
  • Go in the remote starter options, and enable option 20.2
  • Go in the remote starter options, and enable option 2.4
  • Connect Lock-Unlock if you want door lock control from your aftermarket remote
  • Connect parking lights if you want lights to flash
According to this the 07 and newer tundras dont have can bus. I did the test and it didn't recognize it. I unplugged it.
2009 and older. 2010 and over can-bus works perfectly.