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EVO ONE Park Lights Flash Everytime Brake Pedal is Depressed While Engine is Running and E Brake is Disengaged

+1 vote
EVO-ONE w/ CHR5 THAR on a 2014 Jeep Wrangler Standard Transmission. Remote starter and ready mode functions all work great, however the EVO-ONE "clicks" 3 times and park lights flash right after the brake pedal is depressed while the engine is running and the parking brake is off/disengaged. (This does not occur when the parking brake is up or engaged). What what should we do to so that this doesn't happen. The customer is annoyed that it does this while driving.
asked May 3, 2015 in Remote Starters by Grease Monkey Tuners (1,230 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Can you please provide us with your service number? So we can verify the options that are currently selected in your unit.


What it sounds like is that the Evo-One is trying to go into Ready mode everytime the brake pedal is being pressed eventhough the parking brake is disengaged.
answered May 4, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
selected May 6, 2015 by Robert T
The vehicle is currently back with the customer and I wont be able to give you the SN of it at this moment. Would you please give me a detailed option list of what I should have for a standard vehicle. We have have done a lot of standalone vehicles especially on Chryslers and this is the first time we used it for a manual vehicle.  I have flashed the latest firmware on both the bypass and remote starter of the EVO-ONE.The only special thing we did for this one is the yellow loop wire uncut and set Function 31 to 4 and Function 33 to 2 (using oem remote lock 3x)

I have uploaded a video of whats happening. Please help.
I've seen this before, for this particular application you will have to connect the pink ignition wire to a diode and then to the yellow wire that is going to the car ignition. Pink wire need to read ignition from vehicle but not send power to it.

This will fix your issue call techline if you have any questions when you are in the vehicle.
Ok, could you please run me on the theory of operation of this fix? We have used the CHR5 T Harness (Guide # 16561), so you mean, I install a diode in between the yellow wire of the T Harness and the Yellow wire of the (pin A1) of the 20 pin EVO-ONE connector. If so, where would be the cathode (strip) be going into?

... I wanna have all my bases covered and possible other fixes so that when I call the customer in, I could promise a set time for the repair and garner confidence it will work (especially during your non office hours, where tech support is closed).

Also, I am using the white wire on the main harness (E1) to power (+) the park lights. We have connected the red (E3) to power (fused @ 10A), now does the black (E4) wire have to also be grounded?
Using evo one on a manual transmission with 3x lock and function 33 is not a very common setup and this situation was discovered not so long ago.

Grab pink wire from main harness, connect to 1A diode on cathode side. Anode side of diode goes with the yellow wires.

Your module grounds via datalink no need to connect ground on main harness.

Since you do not have the service number available at the moment,  Please update the remote starter firmware to 1.16 (remote starter side)

The diode DOES NOT go in between the yellow wire of the t-harness and the yellow wire of the  20 pin of the EVO-ALL.

You will need to use the PINK wire on the main connector (not used in this install) and install a diode in line with the ANODE side to the yellow wire of the t-harness and Evo, and the CATHODE side to the PINK wire of the MAIN HARNESS

Diode on the Pink wire as Mathieu stated, so that the big gauge Pink wire becomes only a "sense" wire not an output anymore.


Also since you have chosen to install the EVO-ONE on a manual transmission vehicle with a REMOVABLE TOP,  it is your responsibility to install a motion detector to ensure that nobody can accidentally put the vehicle in gear when the top is off the vehicle and in ready mode.

Little mistake on your guide Jesus, diode goes to the yellow wire from the t-harness, not the purple one ! Purple wire is not used in a Wrangler.
good catch Mathieu, hated using MS Paint so much I connected to the wrong wire.


It's fixed now.
Thanks for your help on this fellas... Now, I'll have confidence on what needs to be done and call the customer to come in for the modifications on the EVO-ONE

Now, that the pink wire is getting a an ign signal when the vehicle is running (through a diode)... would the it be the same going into ready mode (there will be no changes on how it goes into ready mode in terms or rewiring and process?)
Reservation mode will stay the same, no worries.

Future hardware updates will have a way around this with a built in diode between the thick pink wire and tiny yellow wire in the 20pin connector. Until then, especially on chrysler/dodge/jeep manual cars, you will need to wire that pink wire as per the diagram Rico did.

Thnaks for your help, the issue has been solved!!! I will keep this diode fix in mind on our next manual transmission installs. btw... the SN of the EVO ONE is 002B05 010391 if you could quickly take a look at other things we've missed.

Looking at your options, the only thing I would turn OFF is option B2 (Data-Link Remote Starter Mode) on the bypass side of the EVO-ONE


You don't need that option to be ON, and by having it on it reconfigures some inputs and outputs, Normally used in certain Stand-Alone evo-ALL  installations, and if need be, it will be written on the guide that B2 needs to be ON.
