Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL programming 2014 Ford Focus Euro spec

0 votes

I am trying to use EVO-ALL with T-Harness as Immobilizer bypass in a 2014 Ford Focus European version with regular key. I followed the  install guide rev.20150427 for programming the module.


In step 8, the ignition turns ON after holding the programming button for a couple of seconds as indicated in the guide but RED and BLUE stay solid, do not flash as expected. On the instrument cluster screen, there is a warning message "Immobilizer Active, Check Handbook". Considering the leds staying solid and the warning message, it is clear that the EVO-ALL failed to program Key-bypass and CAN. I tried to program the CAN separately by release on BLUE, Key1 to IGNITION -->BLUE led goes off and comes flashing indicating successful programming of CAN. Finally, Key1 to OFF ---> No leds. I can also confirm CAN programmed properly by triggering Lock/Unlock from Keyless Entry Module to A2/A3 of EVO-ALL and further from A19 to Vehicle.


Connections: 2 CAN wires connected. Yellow/Black (KeySense) wire from T-harness connected to A1 and A16 (both Keysense). Also, Lt. Blue/Black (RX - pin4 of Immobilizer) and Lt. Blue (TX) from T-harness connected to A10 (RX) and A20 (TX) respectively


For Key-bypass, do I have to go the DCRYPTOR way of programming using the Flashlink Updater? I ask this because I think the Keys in Euro spec vehicle are highly encrypted resulting in failed programming of the module. Will DCRYPTOR solve this issue? Moreover, I came across the Russian site of Fortin and the install guide has ONLY DCRYPTOR method, link to the guide is here. Although it's in Russian, I hope you can get a sense of the content from the pictures cool

asked Aug 24, 2015 in Ford by Dinesh Koya (780 points)
edited Aug 24, 2015 by Dinesh Koya

1 Answer

+1 vote
Start by just doing the DCryptor programming. If the vehicle has spare key programming disabled, the only way to do key programming on the car is by using the DCryptor procedure.

Common to some cars and only for the programming, do not connect the RED connector into EVO until the unit is fully programed. This has been successful in a few cases.
answered Aug 24, 2015 by Robert T (305,380 points)

Thank you! Unfortunately, I do not have the flashlink updater and it's difficult to buy one in Europe. I already ordered one from the US, once I receive it I will give the DCRYPTOR programming a try.


I am aware of the RED connector not connected in some vehicles until full programming due to Ignition always being ON. However, in my case strangely though, the programming atleast until step 7 goes well only if I follow a specific order when connecting to EVO-ALL

PASS scenario: After datalink, RED connector, CAN connector and then the 20-pin

FAIL scenario: After datalink, 20-pin, RED connector and CAN


Also one observation from Russian guide is that the Ignition (pin1) and KeySense (pin5) may need to be connected together in Ignition switch male-connector of the T-Harness. Translation of the related note in the guide for such a connection is "Attention! Before starting work, make sure that the connector ignition appears signal the presence of a key (voltage 12 V) upon insertion of the key. If there is no signal, combine and Blue White / Yellow wire (jumper) in appropriate connector adapter THAR-FOR1"

A lot of European vehicles require DCryptor and sometimes there will be differences in wiring. Since you have access to the Fortin Russia install guide, I highly recommend you to follow that diagram and programming. I highly doubt the key-sense wire is not present. The car needs this signal by factory :)


On another note, I want to add that the problem you are seeing at Step 8, may be caused by the module not detecting Rx or Tx. With an electronic test light you should be able to see if some data is making it to the light blue and light blue/black of the EVO when you cycle the key in the barrel. I've seen a few T-harnesses that the pins had come out after being handled a little to ruff.



Thank you Robert! Of course the keysense wire is present ;) but I think what they mentioned in the guide is, if the Keysense wire doesn't go live (not +12v) on just insertion of the key (LOCK position), they recommend to tie the Keysense with Ignition. May be the Keysense is only active (+12v) once the key is swithced to ACC, ON and START positions. I may be wrong, the translation is a bit rough!

I am pretty sure TX and RX are good enough, multimeter voltage test showed some activity during cycling of the key. For now I will wait for the flashlink updater. If I face similar problems even with the DCRYPTOR programming, then I will investigate TX and RX in more depth.