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Car won't start. Accessory mode turns on but not run mode and only with valid key

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I have my Evo-All hooked up to a 2011 Taurus with PTS. If I do the 3x lock start then it will go through the lock unlock lock routine (I set that) and it will attempt to turn the ignition on. It will come up and say no key detected, but if I have the key in range (like I am sitting in the car with the key) and do the 3x lock it will turn the ignition on to accessory mode, but not run mode and it will not start the car. It does activate the brake light and the relays can be heard clicking. The guide told me to hook up to a wire that was not in the connector specified but if I use an earlier guide (given to me by the troubleshooting page) it shows a different wire in another connector that my car does have. Here is a link to my previous thread that describes it more:

EDIT: I didn't change anything, but now when I plug in the white 20 pin connector it will turn the car on provided that I have the key handy... Also, unlike before, now it does not turn the ignition to any mode. If I do the 3x lock and when it turns the brake lights on if I hit my start button it will start the car without me hitting the brake. I don't know what else to do
asked Sep 6, 2015 in Ford by Nick Stewart (160 points)
edited Sep 7, 2015 by Nick Stewart

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Nick,


Can you please post the service number that is on the bottom of the actual Evo-All unit, from  there we can check if the proper firmware has been flashed and the necessary options set.

Can you confirm where you connected the White/Black wire from the 20 pin connector on the Evo-All

Did you program the unit as per the instructions in guide number 46371?
answered Sep 8, 2015 by J M (64,270 points)
Hi Jesus, the service number is 001A06 451944

I have the White/Black wire connected to the yellow/orange wire.

As for programming the unit, I tried to multiple times using the 46371 guide [], but when it gets to step 7, where both the blue and the red leds should be lit, both are for a few seconds, but the red goes out within the 5 seconds it tells you to wait. Then when it says hit the ignition twice, the blue led goes out, but if I turn the ignition off then press and hold to turn the ignition to run mode instead of accessory mode, then the blue led will come back on flashly rapidly then I can turn the ignition off and it will flash slowly