Questions & Answers

On a 2013 Ford Focus, the standalone wiring diagram A2,A3,and A13 is this needed?

+1 vote
Installing a EVO-FORT1 (EVO-ALL) on to a 2013 Ford Focus, the standalone install instructions ask for Pins A2, A3, and A13 (on the EVO) to be wired to external controls for Start/Stop and Lock/Unlock but does not clarify what those are and if these connections are needed for 3x remote start.
asked Dec 4, 2015 in Ford by John Guanga (210 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
those connections are not needed. A13 is an external trigger meaning if its pulsed negative the car with start or stop.

a2 and a3 are the same thing if pulsed negative it will lock or unlock the truck. not needed when using oem remote with 3x lock.

Hopefully this helps!
answered Dec 4, 2015 by derek g (347,180 points)
selected Dec 4, 2015 by Robert T
Thanks for the help!