Questions & Answers


+2 votes
I recently installed the EVO-ONE and DroneMobile on my 2015 push to start KIA Optima. Everything is working great. But I have a question. Which wires on the EVO-ONE are the AUX1 & AUX2? I'm really confused. Is AUX1 yellow/black? I can't seem to find AUX2. Or is AUX1 orange & AUX2 orange/back like on the EVO-ALL?


Thanks in advance,
asked Aug 24, 2016 in Kia by jery911 (200 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
On the EVO-ONE:

Aux 1 is the Yellow/Black but need to be enabled as an Aux output by enabling function 25, MODE depends on the type and duration of signal needed.

Aux 2 is only by Data, no analog wire is available, on some vehicles, Aux2 can be used for certain features on the vehicle's Can-Bus.


On the Evo-All:

Orange and Orange/Black are inputs, not outputs. Once triggered by a ground signal, depending on the vehicle, it will activate certain accessories via Can-Bus.

Thank you,
answered Aug 25, 2016 by J M (64,170 points)
selected Aug 25, 2016 by Robert T
Okay gotcha. So if I wanted to put my sunroof open. I'll connect the yellow/black wire correct? And as for AUX2 how do I go and configure that? Since there is no physical wire.
There is no way to configure this, aux 2 functionalityon the canbus is determined by vehicle make and model and the actual firmware.
So your saying AUX2 is a no go for me? because when I push Aux2 on the key it doesn't do anything. That's a bummer, I'm disappointed.


Quick question. When I enable function 25 that will be activated via ground correct?