Questions & Answers

No LED's on unit after initial install

+1 vote
I completed all the intall wiring on my evo one on a 2007 mitsubishi eclipse, updated the bypass and remote start and when I plugged the unit in, I didn't see and LED's light up at all.  Tryed to program the bypass, no LED's.  removed the unit and tried to check the programming on the unit and it all seems to be fine.  Looked in the Questions on the support site, and found that perhaps a master reset needs to be done.  I can't seem to get any response from the unit on the car to do anything so I can't get into the programming mode to reset and can't get the red light during the master reset.  What can I do?
asked Nov 19, 2016 in FAQ by Corey Church (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For programming, the programming button on the back of the unit needs to be pressed BEFORE inserting the power. The LEDS will the start to alternate between red-blue-yellow. You would then RELEASE the button on whatever color indicated in the programming procedure.
answered Nov 19, 2016 by Robert T (304,910 points)
I did try that but still no luck.  I have since updated the firmware to 74.20 rather than the 74.18 recommended in the latest install manual.  This has got me some led's but on the initial attempt to program the bypass I get the solid blue but when I turn the ignition on, the blue light doesn't flash and goes out when I turn the ignition off. Any suggestions?
I backed up to 74.18 and I got it.  Thanks for your help