Questions & Answers

Where does the yellow/black wire get hooked up? EVO-ALL CHR4

0 votes
2011 Ram 1500 TIP

the wiring diagram shows start/stop external control, not sure what that is?

also the yellow/green I am assuming gets isolated(taped) because it is later than 2010 model.

and the 1K ohm resistor for the parking lamp connection doesn't specify a wattage?
asked Jun 14, 2017 in Ram by Daniel James (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The Yellow/Black is not used unless you are connecting a RF kit that is not datalink compatible with the evo-all and have to connect both units via analog wires.


The modifications to the t-harness only applies to 2010 and older models, isolate this wire with tape as you mentioned.


1/4 watt is sufficient for the parking light resistor.
answered Jun 14, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
i have the same question about the purple and the purple / white wires