Questions & Answers

Evo-one and 2015 Legacy does not respond to keyfob if delayed exit from car

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I have installed an Evo-one in a US version of a 2015 Subaru Legacy standard key with the T-Harness. The issue at hand is that the OEM keyfob will no longer open or close the locks if you delay your exit.  If you exit immediately, the keyfob functions as normal.  If you delay long enough that the interior lights dim to off, the keyfob will not lock or unlock the doors. The only way to make them functional is to put the key in the ignition and turn the car on and off and then immediately lock the car.
asked Feb 27, 2018 in Subaru by Jim (850 points)

1 Answer

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With the car remote started when you press lock or unlock from the OEM remote does the blue led on the evo flash? 


"OEM keyfob will no longer open or close the locks if you delay your exit." - Is the car manual transmission? 

answered Feb 27, 2018 by derek g (359,100 points)

With the car remote started when you press lock or unlock from the OEM remote does the blue led on the evo flash?

No. However the car will lock and unlock in response to the keyfob presses. Also the setting was for the car to unlock before remote start and lock afterwards.  It would not lock afterwards. So, to get Evo-one to control the locks after the car is remote started, I connected the purple and purple/white wires on the 20 pin connector to the brown/white and brown/black wires to the 40 pin white connector behind the fuse box in the car because the car would unlock prior to remote start but would not relock.  However, it looks like this model does not need that to happen for the remote start to work.  I have turned off that setting and everything works fine.  (With those wires connected, the unlock before remote start and lock after setting would only work if the setting was selected on the remote starter side of the Evo-One. The setting on the bypass side of the Evo-one still will not lock afer remote start.  Perhaps after the car is remote started the signals are no longer available on the CAN Bus High/Low wires but on the CAN Bus SW)

Is the car manual transmission?

No.  It is automatic.

door locks are through door lock data. I would start by verifying this connection.

If all looks good there, drop the firmware on the unit to 79.43 and retest
Have checked connections 3 times but will recheck connections again.  Believe they are okay since the unlock works via bypass setting, it is the lock/unlock that does not work via bypass setting after the car remotes started.  Does not appear the Evo-one sees the keyfob commands as the blue light disappears after the car is remote started.  Will deprecating the firmware solve that issue?