Questions & Answers

not programming?

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I'm trying to program my EVO-ALL for my 2016 Dodge Ram with the tip start key. After pressing the programming 4x and the light turns to solid yellow it says "insert key" and the light should turn to red.  I insert the key and nothing happens.  I've flashed the module to 74.37 and still nothing.  I have master reset it and also programmed the can-bus  and the blue light stays solid on canbis programming. Any ideas?

asked May 6, 2018 in Ram by wizzled (130 points)

1 Answer

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4 issues,

1. Please flash the module to firmware 74.37 and reprogram, this latest firmware includes a fix to keep both OEM remotes functional during remote starting.

2. if you insert the key and nothing happens, then you will need to check Light Blue/Black connection, either to the Light Blue/Black wire of the t-harness if you are using one OR to the vehicle's Data wire if you are connecting wire to wire

3. If the blue led stays solid and does not shut off when turning the tip key to the Igntion position, then you will need to check that you are getting 12v IGN on the yellow wire of the evo (Pin A1) when the key is turned to the ON/Run position.

4. Lastly, if you succesfully program and process Dcryptor, you will still need to enable either Option D 1.1 (LOCK-UNLOCK-LOCK) or Option D 1.10 (LOCK-LOCK-LOCK)  to be able to remote start the vehicle using the OEM remote.
answered May 7, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
Ok well all this doesn’t fix anything. Suppose to be simple. Did this on another truck and it was quick. I will just return the item and try another style. Thanks for your time.
It is crazy simple, are you using a tharness ? The module does not detect the immo data on light blue/black wire.
Yes I’m using it!  Sorry man I’m just confused. So what do I need to do exactly to fix it?
Exactly what I enumerated for you in the beginning.
Just got home and looked at my stuff. The light blue/black wire are not even connected to anything on the tharness

Exactly, please follow the installation guide (found here: )and make the necessary connections between the t-harness and the 20 pin connector and the Ignition wire to the vehicle as shown.


Thank you,

This doesn't sound simple at all. 2008 Jeep compass, all lights flash when plugged in. Do i need another $50 part with $40 shipping to resolve this?