Questions & Answers

Been using this system for a while but it doenst work the way it should. Need more install solutions.

0 votes
Bought this in 2013 i beleive. Came in with rs00 g4 starter. It doesnt start with 3x lock. I have to wake it by unlock(1x) then lock (1×). To lock it without starting it have to secuence this. Lock-unlock-lock, anoying. Sometimes not tone fast and starts. How is the proper way to connect this wires. Have connected the green wire on the starter to the lock in my car. I got all the kit from fortin. Even that the starter is crimestopper's, all the kit was sent from you as one system together. Need assistance in hooking it up prperly.
asked May 29, 2018 in Volkswagen by Alberto Leon (180 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
I highly doubt that Fortin sent you a Crimestopper remote start, considering they sell their own units!
answered May 29, 2018 by JEREMY JOHNSON (1,820 points)
selected May 30, 2018 by J M
0 votes
Most Crimestopper/Fortin combinations sold as a "kit" comes from MPC (mypushcart) but may also come from a variety of online resellers.

We, the manufacturer do not sell Crimestopper units (this is made by the Crimestopper company) packaged with evo-alls. Please check your receipt to find out exactly who/where  you purchased your modules from.

In order for 3xlock to work, you would need to consult your Crimestopper installation guide and/or call Crimestopper themselves for support. The Evo-ALL does accept the oem remote signals through the vehicle's canbus system and send it to the remote starter unit, the crimestopper in your case, (firmware will need to be upgraded to the latest recommened one V 75.38, rather than the version you are currently running, V 75.06)

If you are not a professional installer, we highly recommend bringing the vehicle to reputable shop/installer so they can update the firmware and check the connections and settings.


Thank you,
answered May 30, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
I beleive i bought this from you. I know this because i had to reflash the module because it was for the wrong vehicle or year. And i talked to you, Fortin, to have it done. I got wire diagrams from aswell. If you keep records you might find my previous email address if i need a newer version reflashed, what features will include? Will you do it? at what cost?. Do you have a programming instruction for additional features for this module? I just need help with this, thank you.
The fact that you're saying that the module had to be reflashed because it was the wrong vehicle and/or year confirms that it was not purchased from us the manufacturer since no module leaves the factory "flashed" for a particular vehicle.

We do not flash any modules for end-users, everyone that installs our products professionally has a flashlink updater-2. Like I said before, 3xlock in this particular vehicle with your particular remote starter module is completely on the remote starter options/functions.


Thank you,

that crimestopper RS-OO and EVO package is typically sold by MYPUSHCART or LESSCO ELECTRONICS. If you still have your receipt, it will say on it. 

There is no in the Fortin Support portal. 


Your Crimestopper device is what is controlling your ability to do 3xlock start. Not the EVO.


Can i update this module and go without the starter? Someone in crimestopper mention that updating this unit tho the latest i could even go without the starter. If you do how can i go about doing that. Send it to you to get it done?

There is a completely new install that would negate needing the Crimestopper RS00. There is also the possibility of NOT needing to sacrifice your key anymore.


The firmware is not available for your module as it dates back to 2013 and the new install, which can also do transponder bypass, requires a more recent version and also firmware 75.38


All info can be found here:
