Questions & Answers

08 advenger used evo all bypass when starting car opens trunk why???

+1 vote
instaled ultra start remote starter with evo all bypass folowed wire color wireing diagram and evo all conection 1 and prgram 1 I also found that the wires to the transponder are not the same colors but test the same as diagram powers in the same spot and grond in same spot all wires seem to be ok .car does start and unlock and lock everthing works good exceot win starting trunk opens just wondered why???? thx tom butler also checked all powers and grounds to unit .they are ok 12 volts and under load 11.5 volts . ground is not pulling down under lod seems to be good tryed ground in two diff spots
asked Jan 12, 2014 in Dodge by tommy butler (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Well thats weird!


Are you using datalink or hardwired connections?

Do you have the 12 digit service number of the EVO? I just want to see if the Stand Alone option is turned on by accident. The trunk release input is converted to start input when the unit is in stand alone, this is the only thing i can see being the problem at the moment.


If you want to set all the EVO options back to default without using the flash link updator, you can simply master reset the EVO using this procedure.

  1. Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
  2. Let go of button when LED is RED.
  3. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.
  4. Disconnect unit, she is now reset.
answered Jan 13, 2014 by Robert T (305,380 points)
yes i am using the data link conector . just a question do you think the unit may be loosing its ground to the data link well starting and that may be causing my problem?should i hard wire that and then do master reset?I dont have the service # box is still in car waiting for your reply.if i reset the module will it putt the unit in the mode it should be in not stand alone.