Questions & Answers

Can’t find wiring behind glove box for 2011 GS350 remote start

0 votes
Just having an issue trying to find the ECU plug behind the glove box on the pass side.
I think I found it, but it doesn't have the same colours in the provided diagrams.
im going to just start testing the wires themselves, but just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem.
asked Oct 9, 2020 in Lexus by John Smith2 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
it can happen that some vehicles do not have the same wiring colors. Testing becomes even more important.

Heres a bigger picture of that connector


Wish i had i further back view of it, to point its location, but unfortunately i do not.
answered Oct 9, 2020 by Robert T (305,380 points)
Well I have tested all of them. It seems as though the information I’m getting for this vehicle is wrong. None of the wiring test as it should. I have found the correct plug it’s asking for. Even cross reference with other manufacturers. Seems to me that they’ve just got an issue with the 2011 PTS gs350 as I can’t even find document(pics) via direct techs on this.